Art Subjects
As broad as you can think, the same manner is the field of art. We would be taking a detailed look into the list of art subjects in secondary schools for students.
English Language
English language, outside been the core requirements for all classes in different secondary schools and institutions as an official language of the country, it is also the core language for art students, no profession in the field of art does not require the English language.
Christian Religious Studies Or Islamic Religious Studies.
Students have the liberty to choose either Christian religious studies or Islamic religious studies as a Christian or a Muslim as the case may apply.
Students who chose Christian religious studies are been through the creation of the world, history of both major and minor Prophets, the entire life of Jesus Christ and his purpose to come to earth, the missionary journeys of the Apostles are been thought and other relative knowledge the students need to have in respect to the scripture.
This is another subject that students in this class are expected to study. It simply involves the basic knowledge of marketing strategies and procedures, after production or manufacturing, the need to make your good and services available to a larger audience is of no limited value, so they thought what to do to bring in my consumers to patronize your commodities, how to relate with trending economic situation and still maintain your audience or consumers
This subject exposed students to the study of humanity in relationship with his wants, his needs, and scarcity.
It equipped students on how to make a rational decision out of every situation that involves want and needs and relatively scarce commodities. How to make choices while procuring goods and services.
Literature In English
This helps students to read and explain basic poems, dirge, sonnets, and other related topics.
It helps students to develop their oratory prowess, their creative thinking, and creative writing.
Biology Or Agricultural Science.
In Biology, students learn the basic terms of life because Biology is a study of life and living in an ecosystem, also they learn basic life processes like the Carbon cycle, water cycle, nitrogen cycle, and others.
In agricultural science, they learn basic things in both plant husbandry and animals’ husbandry.
This subject helps equip students with a little touch of science courses.
This is another core subject in secondary school today, no student is admitted to any field of learning without having at least credit in their O level mathematics. This subject exposed the student to basic calculations, algebra processes, quadratic equations, surd, and many other useful contents that will help students in day-to-day business activities and anything that involves arithmetic in their daily life.
In this subject, students are given the elementary rudiments on how to run a business with transparency and accountability. Most students are much familiar with reading but are not equipped with basic business strategies, so this subject entrench learners on how to run a business successfully, how to prepare a business financial statements, how to prepare an inventory of a business, recording business transactions, and how to make decision-based on the available infirmary
This subject is one of the core course for art students because there are many Field of study that emanates from this subject. Also, it helps the student to know the history of the past government, everything about the country to know and others.
Civic Education
this subject is major to educate students on their Civil Rights, how to handle public properties, how they should see themselves as a citizen and what is acceptable under the law, basic fundamental human rights, and many others.